Now-a-days many new ad upcoming artists fear of becoming a one-hit wonder. One-hit wonders are artists known for only one hit single. When becoming one of these the artists fame rises but then slowly fades away, some to never be heard of again. Yet they leave us with one hit song to always remember. For many artists, being a one-hit wonder can have its pros and cons. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing. It becomes something that the artist is proud of.
So many on-hit artists are the result of novelty songs during fads, like Rick Dees, “Disco Duck” during the disco craze in the 1970s. For many having a one-hit is a really good thing and something they will always be proud of. One-hit wonders are popular for only a brief period of time and their fame slowly fades away. But yet they leave the world with a song to always remember. For example, Los Del Rio, with their 1996 it song "Macarena" . This song was a hit during a short period of time but it still lives on. And there is not one person that hasn't heard it. This song sparked a dance craze that swept the nation. The song was heard all over the world making the duo very popular. But there is always a downfall to being a one-hit wonder. As this duo discovered later in 2008 when they released and album, Quinceanera Macarena in hopes of reigniting the Macarena fire, but the public was not interested.
The downfall is what artists are afraid of. Being a one hit wonder can have it perks at the time but later on it can come back to haunt them. Many artist do not want to became a one-hit wonder simply because they will always be remembered as one. An example is Vanilla Ice with his hit "Ice Ice Baby" . At the time this song was a major hit and Vanilla Ice made millions. But after when he tried making other music, he failed. Because no matter what he did people still thought of him as the ice ice baby guy. This is what artist are scared of, having one-hit and having an unsuccessful career which leads to a failed comeback.
Whether its a good thing or a bad thing. One-hit wonders are always remembered. They are also often features in many movie and show soundtracks. The songs are remembered for their catchy tunes and unforgettable lyrics like Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy" . This song was made in 1992 but it is still heard al over the world. In Shows, parties and movies. In an interview RSF said that they are proud of their song and are very happy that people still sing a long to it. They don't think that being a one-hit wonder is a bad thing they believe its something that helped them go down in music history.
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